
I got a notice yesterday, from WordPress. A small badge, a “happy anniversary” from them.

So. I did it.

I can’t remember why I decided to write something every day for a year. I’m not sure if it was one of those

“hmm, I wonder if I can” things,

or a

“it’s like training for a marathon and it’s the journey that counts” thing.

Either way, I’m here, officially starting my second year of blogging.

I’ve enjoyed the challenge of coming up with something different every day, while simultaneously wondering why the heck I was still posting.

It has been an interesting road, writing in my blog/diary every day, to a faceless internet that may never read the echo of my thoughts, now available for posterity.

At times it’s been nerve wracking.

Early on, I wondered who would be offended, or what people would think.

But as the blog continued on, with comments few and far between, I became emboldened. Other than a few necessary changes for confidentiality, I’ve expressed the truth of my thoughts and feelings in a way that I don’t think I’ve ever done before.

Will I continue for another year?

I have no idea. I’ve achieved the goal I set out to achieve. It’s been soothing, especially on days of high stress, to have a chance to work through my emotions.

I think in a way, writing every day has been a pressure valve, allowing me to decant just enough of the pain to keep going, with my smile intact as I greet the world.

So maybe, just maybe, I’ll continue on.

I’m curious to see where the next year will take me.