A bad day by comparison

I can’t believe April is almost gone.

The 25th has come and gone, and with it, most of the snow.

After a night of very little sleep I struggled to work through the day, attempting to do the work of two days in one to compensate for the time I took off.

As always, this is an exercise in frustration, but I muddled through it.

My motivation to carry on was fueled by an interesting occurrence earlier in the morning that I just happened to come across.

When you feel like you’re having a bad day, I find it’s helpful to imagine someone else is having one that is so much worse.

Sometimes, I create an elaborate story to this end, and other days like today, I see that bad day in action.

So, while I may be tired, and regret having my flight get back at ten pm, my fatigue had nothing on this poor person’s day.

I imagine they’ll have a lot of explaining to do, and I’m happy to just be a little tired.