Month: March 2018

  • The present

    The present

    Bubbles form inside, Rising to the top Simply effervescent, Until you hear a pop The energy of a toddler Effortless and free Identical to caffeine Which sometimes buoys me Ready, set, run away Into the great beyond Nothing ventured nothing lost Except lyrics to the song Life is an enigma Understood by very few I…

  • Phoenix of the deep

    Phoenix of the deep

    At first blush It was a good idea A fine plan, A jaunt across the sea But as he flew Higher into the sun The sudden realization Of damage came undone It was far too late, he plummeted into the deep Now his wings are plucked under the horizon he’ll sleep. But like the dawn…

  • Overdrive


    Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can. It’s seldom found in women, And never found in men. My grandmother used to say this to me all the time, from a very early age. I’m not sure if it’s because she could see what an impatient child I was, or if she knew that…

  • Mental snapshot

    Mental snapshot

    I wish I took pictures today. Luckily, I’ll get some shortly. I had ramped up my children with excitement over the last few days, incubating the idea of how much fun we would have this morning. And we did have fun. I think they’re finally getting to an age where we can do things with…

  • Friday’s balance

    Friday’s balance

    Friday musings are always fun. The paring down and sorting into boxes of the events of the week past. It was a week full of ups and downs, but in balance, it seemed to balance. A wrinkle here and there, but nothing so earthshattering that I’ll need time to recover from, which is a luxury.…

  • Still winter

    Still winter

    I never knew how much rage the sight of snow could provoke. I mean, it’s so pretty and white, fluffy and falling like tiny ice cream from the sky. Except, I’m so incredibly tired of seeing it. It feels sometimes that all I remember is endless landscapes of white, and winter-blue skies Where has the…

  • White noise

    White noise

    A cacophony of sounds as loud as the sea I close my ears to the struggles around me My throat aches From words yet unsaid Truths not spoken Feelings of dread Each day another hustle Of shouts and dispair Sometimes I wonder If I even breathe air Whimpering at the noise I quiver and shake…

  • Waiting for spring

    Waiting for spring

    Held in its cruel grasp The earth shudders and tries to break free Tears of salt and ice water flow down paths, sad rivulets of winter sigh as I walk past Yearning for balmy weather, My heart burns for warmth Waiting impatiently for the first hint of green. Today, I saw a sparrow. It flew…

  • A writer’s life?

    A writer’s life?

    Monday, Monday, So good to me. It was everything I hoped it would be. I woke up and ran all by myself, with the household fast asleep until I finished. Apparently, time change meant no tiny audience watching Netflix and interrupting my (admittedly slow) treadmill exercise. And then I went to work- but this morning,…

  • The best day ever

    The best day ever

    Some days you just wake up feeling motivated. For some crazy reason, I decided I was going to drive us all to the mountains to swim at the hotel with the water slides. Now, normally when I get a hankering for family time, I finish the day wondering what the heck was wrong with me,…