Month: May 2017

  • For the Love of Google 

    Today’s word prompt caused me to reconsider, not for the first time, my love of information.  I’ve always had an intense desire to know why. Didn’t matter what it was, I wanted to know about it. As a child I remember reading encyclopedias for answers, and the bible a few times  (ps- very intense and…

  • Malaise NYD

    It’s a tough thing to set yourself up to write every day, even with a prompt to help you on your way. Some days, Mondays in particular, motivation and inspiration can be  lacking. I did the Calgary half marathon yesterday, and at work today I remembered why I had booked the day off.  Sadly, I…

  • Radiate 

    The moment where you feel the light coming off your body,  Borne on the breeze as though you are incandescent,  Brilliance unending The weight of your intentions gone at that moment,  existing only to provide illumination and warmth Feeling the breath move through your body while the faithful heartbeat does the rest The slap, slap,…

  • The day job

    Some days I feel that writing is so much more rewarding than having a day job, and wish that I’d been granted a life of luxury to pursue the dream. But then I remember in order to infuse writing with meaning, one needs to have life experience to go along with your imagination and perspiration. …

  • Reprieve 

    Trapped in a nine to five, boxed in at the corners when I’m really more of a triangle, Each day a mixture of joy and frustration, wondering if life is what we make of it or if we are what it makes of us. Trying to keep the bad from leaking into the good,  Brain…

  • Survive and thrive

    A conversation with an old friend today brought back complex memories from a time long ago.  Part of my life experience includes six  years in The Royal Canadian Air Cadets, something that was expected  we did growing up. My Dad had joined back in his high school days, and it was free and  involved camp…

  • Last impressions

    We always talk about first impressions. What you recall of someone at the first meeting, what they were wearing or how they spoke, what they said. But what about last impressions? It’s not something I’ve had discussions about,  but it is something I think about daily with the way my life intersects with others. Often…

  • Long weekend hangover

    Why does the day after a long weekend take the same amount of time as the entire weekend to pass?  For the first time I can remember, May long weekend was beautiful,  the longest precipitation free break and warmest days I have ever seen on the weekend that catapults the camping season back onto centre…

  • Change

    The pieces don’t fit together, Set adrift on the waters of change Lost in the turmoil, No time to rearrange  You must start a new trip, Travel far to distant shores This trial by water different,  off the familiar  script  What beauty awaits at the end? Challenges and triumphs unseen,  a world ready and able …

  • Unmoored 

    The quiet waters beckon, whispering for the nearby loons to hear Alone in the dark wildness,  Only the silent stars watching as events unfold I approach in this fugue, feeling the gentle breeze against my face, lifting tendrils of hair in examination as though deciding if I can stay The peace I feel sinks into…