
The world is spinning right now, a surreal Dali Dance with Picasso points near and far.

It arrived gently with a feeling of floating before it progressed abruptly to dizziness, made no better or worse with the movement of my head.

I wracked my brain, trying to pinpoint a trigger and gave up. The same foods, same exercise,

same normal day. 

I get these spells from time to time, and never know from where or why. I try to use them as a chance to understand a different viewpoint, 

to feel my body in a different way. 

Is this what my dizzy elderly patient feels like? 

Is that what my middle aged man with multiple sclerosis means? 

Oh good, it’s departed again, leaving only a slight headache and the desire to eat junk food in its wake. 

Ephemeral and manageable again. 

I say a little thanks it didn’t stay, and promise to be a little more patient every day when someone tells me they don’t feel well.

Whatever the cause may be, the feeling is real and just as important to them as my dizzy is to me.