The Secret of life

Another weekend flown, back at home with the kids tucked into bed I think about my life.

I wonder how did I ever deserve all the blessings that I have? Life may not be perfect, but it’s so amazing.

My kids are hilarious, wonderful and happy. I’m mostly healthy, and I have good people around me. 

My husband is kind, wise, and thinks he’s funny. (Joking. Mostly. But the dad jokes are getting stronger every day.)

I have a calling. In fact, I think I have a few, which I marvel at. I think maybe,

Just maybe,

I’ve found the secret to life.

A lust for life, a creative outlet, and a career where I feel what I do is worth getting up every day to do,

Although it does make taking time off difficult, as the same reason I get up and look forward to the day also makes me feel too responsible to go away.

I look at the week ahead with a little dread, simply because I know it will be busy, overbooked and maybe stressful.

But I’m still looking forward to it. I’m so happy I’m not dreading Monday anymore.