The Great Vacation- Part 3

The Ol’homestead
Our first full day back at the place where I grew up. 

My little dude had spent the night scratching in his sleep while I gently and repeatedly moved him back from the edge of the bed. He’s a vigorous sleeper, and often came dangerously close to falling off.

He woke first, as per usual, and somehow I managed to get clothes on quickly before he woke everyone else.

We somewhat stealthily entered the house to find grandma waiting in a fuzzy pink housecoat.

Four keurig cups of coffee later and some conversation, my sleepy man was ready to have breakfast. He showed Grandma his skill with a skillet before devouring a piece of toast and a “runny egg” 

I eventually woke the rest of my crew- they surprisingly were still asleep at ten! Normally the wild toddler is loud enough to wake all things dormant,

Including the dead, rocks, and other inanimate objects. (By the way, you’re welcome, fam jam)

I was able to get in a quick run, even though my mother’s car made me feel confused and incompetent a few times, and the four cups of coffee were giving me palpitations.

I returned in time to get the nap set up for the early bird and eat lunch with the others.

The speed of life seemed to slow. The wind sang through the leaves in the trees sheltering the house while bird sang through the cloudy day

As the day lazed on, we eventually got hungry and had burgers and chips- potato chips- for supper

(My childhood is a lie! The same woman who rarely let us have chips said they were vegetables tonight.)

My son came to tell me he was full, saw my plate and said “I get fork”, and then proceeded to eat my brown beans before going to play

Six little children ran around for hours while the big kid jumped on the trampoline with her cell phone.

The weather continued to threaten, but held off, allowing them to create new memories of playing with their cousins

I watched with fondness for my own days on that same lawn, 

and look forward to many more years ahead