Rest stop

Tuesday is tired day this week. 48 + hours into another busy week, and my energy has stalled out, 

as though I forgot to fill the gas tank.

I’m a cautious person, and have a tendency to fill up at half full, 

unlike those brave souls that live risky and wait until the needle has been on E for awhile.

The thought of running a car that low scares me, 

a lot. 

Images of being stuck on the side of the road in poor weather while axe murders roam, trying to pick up poor hapless suckers has crossed my mind as I drive whenever the light on the tank goes on.

So why is it that I rarely let my car get that low in fuel,

But I continually work myself down to the nub?

Is it that I don’t know what my capacity is, 

or conversely,

that I know it a little too well?

Too little sleep, too much junk,

Plenty of stress,

Scheduling out the ears?

Why is it that we treat ourselves less carefully than we treat our car?

I see so many people that do the same thing,

I counsel self care, stress reduction and meditation,

Each time thinking I should be doing more of it myself.


Much like that risk taker with the car on empty, the car doesn’t need anything until it runs dry,

But then it’s too little, 

too late.

And I’ll find myself broken down on the side of the road,

wishing I’d filled up at the last rest stop.

Maybe one of these days I’ll get it right?