
Friday. My end of the week. Still struggling with my altered, torch singer-with-a-cold voice, I headed to work already dreaming about the end of the day.

Once again, an early day… that morphed into a late day, causing me to be so grateful I hadn’t booked myself for clinic. By the time I left job 1, I had just enough time to get to parent teacher interviews, and by the time I left it was already three pm. This meant a quick sit down for an hour while I zoomed through paperwork and arrived at home at exactly 4:30

No writing time, no break. Until I was reminded of the babysitter coming for 5.

I grateful snuggled my trio just long enough for them to commence Thunderdome over who got my lap, then I headed out the door with my love.

Appetizers aplenty for supper, Diet can start again tomorrow, then a quick zip next door to watch Thor.

Until this series of movies, Thor has never done it for me. But for some reason, he is the superhero I can most identify with.

It could be the blond hair, his love and trust of others around him, but I think it’s his grace and smarts that get me.

I too have been known to break items by looking at them, and have had many times where I’ve missed the punch line.

Thor: Ragnarok however was my favorite movie of the bunch so far. Freakin hilarious, his hands “sparkle”- according to Jeff Goldblum’s character, who was as awesome as his kooky characters always are.

The whole thing was a great mix of funny, action and music and I left feeling like it was very possible I have magic powers too, I just haven’t discovered them.

And while it may not be the real Ragnarok, I’d love for my cold to be destroyed by fire as well, and will likely use my magic powers tonight for good. Like Thor.