
I’ve spent my life an observer, a visitor from beyond.

Perhaps this isn’t my first go around this green planet, and maybe it’s not my last

I’ve been an outlier, and outsider


As a child others didn’t understand my meanings, not catching the sense of humour that was sometimes bizarre

Even now, I teach my kids to say ‘I’m so funny’ while I laugh and laugh.

The world has always tickled my sense of the ridiculous

often at inappropriate times.

the shape of a corner, the colour of a shirt next to something that clashes, grammar that is ridiculous,

anything could set me off.

Once, I made an entire squadron of air cadets laugh until they cried. And I still never knew what caused the giggles to infect us all.

Humour is the amazing best friend of Love, the two huge joys that fill our lives,

that make the storms worth weathering.

So while it may keep me slightly off centre, off the bubble,

I will enjoy it when it hits,

and laugh like no one is judging

via Daily Prompt: Outlier