Long weekend hangover

Why does the day after a long weekend take the same amount of time as the entire weekend to pass? 

For the first time I can remember, May long weekend was beautiful,  the longest precipitation free break and warmest days I have ever seen on the weekend that catapults the camping season back onto centre stage.

In fact, returning to work made me wish (not for the first or last time) that I had a life of leisure.

Until  I thought of people I know who live that life, either due to circumstance of birth,

 or by accident or design. 

They often share a commonality which I feel lucky not to share with them- an ennui that comes from a life without purpose.

Purpose is what makes us get up in the morning, 

keeps us going long after we’re ready to throw in the towel. 

Keeps us up late at night, propping open bleary eyes.

Purpose is what makes us strive for better, more, new or different

Purpose comes in many shapes and sizes, 

and can be out of love, 


fear, or even

 because something is there to be conquered.

My purpose was set years ago, and keeps me moving forward.

Be the best I can be, love those around me, help others, never give up on a worthwhile cause,

Work hard to achieve.

And so on this beautiful sunny day, trapped in a room without windows and inconsistent air conditioning,

 instead of feeling irritable or unlucky

Today I feel grateful to have this chance to change the lives of others, to support my family,

 to be allowed to care for others and have their trust in my hands.

The long weekend may have passed into the longest Tuesday, 

but today felt like a blessing instead of a curse

And that’s a good Tuesday after all