Last night

Ok, I’ve always loved my sleep time. I was that kid who was asking their parents if it was bedtime, immediately after eating supper. My relationship with sleep is fond and it’s one of my favourite things. But not only do I love sleep,  I also really love dreams. And mine are vivid, movie like events most of the time.

Last nights movie was a feature film with me flying a tiny little plane in very bright red and blue. I found out after I landed in downtown Calgary (that part is unclear. Why would I be flying downtown?) that it wasn’t really a plane but a glider. The entire remainder of the Dream, until my alarm went off, was me trying to run fast enough to get the plane off the ground. 

And then the plane really started to look more like a bobsled that could fly. And I was Ashley Judd. As my alarm clock went off, I had just had the brilliant idea to have someone else in my dream put on roller blades and run with me down the hill until I caught air.

Dreams are hilarious. I wonder if flying a bobsled means anything?