Category: Random thoughts

  • December 17th

    More than halfway through the month again. This is the longest I’ve gone without downloading my thoughts in some form or shape. I haven’t blogged, I haven’t journaled. I haven’t really even taken time to jot a quick thought or poem down. Although I enjoy blogging daily, it has taken a backseat to the sheer […]

  • December 17th

    More than halfway through the month again. This is the longest I’ve gone without downloading my thoughts in some form or shape. I haven’t blogged, I haven’t journaled. I haven’t really even taken time to jot a quick thought or poem down. Although I enjoy blogging daily, it has taken a backseat to the sheer […]

  • Collaboration

    On a day like today I find myself struck by how different a day can be depending on the circumstances with which it unfolds. One day can be stressful,  dramatic or traumatic,  leave one feeling exhausted and overwhelmed,  alone and against the odds. The same day with people around you helping goes by fast,  everyone […]

  • knackered

    There are some words that just tickle my fancy.  Knackered is right up there at the top.  Today, it’s the word of the day prompt.  I’ve been faithfully doing these every day, no matter what else I have going on. Some days it’s been a stretch trying to figure out where to put it and […]

  • Hollywood Philosopher

    I’ve been watching a lot of X-Files lately.  Its been helping me get through my morning treadmill sessions, which in turn help me get through my days.   Its funny how I don’t want to wake up, but if I do and force myself to start my run,  after about 10 minutes it gets relatively […]

  • Unravel

    The world continues to spin wildly, slightly tilted and off centre. Is that the reason why things make so little sense sometimes? I open up my world, read the news, things that happen around the world and wonder I wonder why people are so cruel, wonder how they can justify this behaviour to others.  Didn’t […]

  • Outlier

    I’ve spent my life an observer, a visitor from beyond. Perhaps this isn’t my first go around this green planet, and maybe it’s not my last I’ve been an outlier, and outsider Different As a child others didn’t understand my meanings, not catching the sense of humour that was sometimes bizarre Even now, I teach […]

  • Showdown 

    The hardest thing to do When each day is through  Is to look into your soul To find your life’s true goal Each thought has its own weight Bound to you by the hand of fate  It looks you in the eye And dares you to tell a lie Stronger than guile, Bursting through denial […]

  • Early morning Pause

    I sit, bleary eyes half closed. Trying to figure out my coffee maker which is set to magically go off at 4:30, so that the smell of the delicious beans will entice me to wake up instead of hit my snooze button repeatedly. I succeed and try not to trip over the dog who has […]