Month: November 2017

  • Winter’s edge

    Ice chunks crack, falling from the sky Encasing the land, a cruel white blanket The sludge of a new iceberg firms and breaks free Small but mighty, they take on the world Lands end, lands beginning Breath freezes in place Waiting until summer to inhale again.

  • Problem solver 

    Saturday should be a sleep in day, but that never seems to happen for me.  I woke up a half hour earlier than normal, shrugged and went about my day.  I finished my first draft of book 5, did a list of things to do, did laundry, cooking, cleaning and childcare,  even launched my author […]

  • Friday family movie night 

    Friday is here again, with blustery cold weather that heralds the true beginning to the winter.  While minus 17 isn’t the worst I’ve seen, neither is it a temperature I enjoy. I eagerly anticipated the hibernation to come at the end of the day, breaking my plans to eat chicken and beans with naan and […]

  • Mom of Sam

    No one can put a statement out quite the way a stubborn five year old can. One minute an angel, the next a small and vicious demon child. I entered a quiet house today, unlocking the door with my delicious rotisserie chicken and Diet Pepsi.  (I’m trying to cut back, I swear) The next thing […]

  • Traffic

    My eyes are grainy today, but still somehow find the light. It’s bright and wonderful  through the fog. Cars honk, go slowly, pacing with their horses grumbling.  They slowly move past the line, reined in by the weather. I feel their longing to bolt, Tied and restrained into a 9-5, somedays I’d like to run […]

  • Good days work

    Another late night, getting through a day full of requirements,  self-imposed and otherwise. I unlock the door with the dubious pleasure of being the only one awake,  sigh,  and do the things I must before calling the day. I go through the motions,  tired in body and mind tonight, Only two days into a workweek […]

  • My Riff 

    My life’s a place of work  and laughter, both at the same time. Even on a Monday  when life is hectic, I find a place of joy inside.  A repeating riff of the variety of living. The good, the bad, the sad. Each day the same  but slightly different. Each aspect another facet  of the […]

  • Black box

    What’s in a story?  I ask myself this daily now, deep in the throes of nanowrimo. How can I make people feel, understand, live through the eyes of another? How do I draw them in, capture them in my web, Each story a black box, a mystery until it’s opened. I’m every bit as surprised […]

  • Lest we forget

    No matter where I am, what I’m doing, what’s been going on in my life, Today is a day that gives me pause, Reminds me of how many people have given their lives so that I can live in the luxury of a country where I’m not worried about my basic human rights. This isn’t […]

  • The rut

    I watched as the week flew, On wings of solid steel. Picked me up and dropped me off, And didn’t once ask how I feel I thought I’d have so much more time with which to play. Instead I chose to get stuff done, each and every day. When all I wanted was a room […]