Month: September 2017

  • Something about Mary Jane

    Today was a little different than usual. Yes, I got up early, exercised, drank a lot of coffee and went to work, but I also went to a half day conference on Marijuana in the afternoon. Now, Mary Jane, pot, mellow yellow and all the other names it goes by is currently a huge topic […]

  • Launch

    Seventeen days left.  I haven’t slept well in over a week, and I realize now,  a little too late,  that I should not be doing a preorder for my own sanity. My first launch.  It feels a little like waiting to see my baby for the first time. What will they be like? Will they […]

  • Spiral staircase 

    Life is a spiralling array  of coincidences, Intricate and complex. Each step leading to a staircase, Not knowing where it ends Like the house of Escher,  sometimes we walk upside down around a corner,  through a door leading nowhere, fall to the ground 

  • Fast forward

    Today I was struck by how focused I’ve been this month.  I’ve had a million things happening and I was scattered to the four winds,  but I had the last few days where things seemed to  Pause  And I realized how much I’ve gotten done while feeling completely overwhelmed, sinking with my obligations. Today my […]

  • The Centre of the Universe

    I watch my little one, So sure of his importance, He’s genuinely confused  when he doesn’t get his way, Disbelief filling his face  when he hears a solid no. My little planet,  thinking he’s a sun,  everything should revolve around him. He’s starting to realize  life isn’t what he thinks it should be, a hard […]

  • Pamper

    I very much enjoyed today. It was a beautiful Sunday, although it started out colder than I was prepared for,  so I chose to do my run inside in the treadmill. I listened to freakonomics, a podcast I just found last week, and found myself motivated to become amazing at something, anything really, as I have […]

  • Age is irrelevant 

    So tired. It’s only nine o’clock, but the week has been long. In between meetings and obligations, I’m not sure how I did it all.  Saturday night now,  and I want to sleep after the day, week, month I’ve had. I remember when nine was when you started getting ready to go out on Saturday, as […]

  • The last

    One lonely leaf Drifts down, Gently settling On the ground  Slowly it fades  Into its peers, Orange turning brown Until it disappears  Once bright green It’s life is past,  come full circle Death arrives at last

  • Mighty 

    Some days I feel so small, a tiny cog in a big wheel,  ready to crush me under  it’s uncaring weight. Alone in a group, Odd and out of place.  Not quite in step With the rest of the human race. Then I remember what happens With giant machines. They may tremble and shake the […]

  • Unsettled 

    The feeling curls around my throat, Loose at first  then becoming  Tight, The coils of a python trapping me Within a tight embrace I wonder  Will I escape? Shiny though the scales are,  warm and smooth, Soft in the caress of death.  Deceptively dangerous, I gasp for breath Searching for a last crumb Of release  […]